Our interactive learning resources are displayed in the form of a website. Almost everyone can access our website as long as they have a mobile phone or computer. Each article on the website can be accurately located by URL. Just click the URL to jump to the corresponding article. For learners who have never been exposed to Chinese culture, we provide a brief introduction to ensure that they have a preliminary understanding of the history of Chinese culture. In our teaching content, we inserted YouTube videos and some pictures to help students understand the content. As long as you log in through the browser, you can watch the video directly, and there is no problem with viewing qualification. The course content is divided into five parts in detail, and each part is related to our theme. Students can view each part according to their preferences. After reading all the parts, most students should have a rough understanding of Chinese history and the pronunciation system. Besides, our learning resources are fully online and are not affected by unexpected effects such as COVID-19 and national relations. Students can visit websites whenever and wherever possible. In order to deepen students’ understanding, we have arranged discussions and group lectures. Cooperative learning can significantly improve students’ efficiency and enthusiasm. Finally, you can test your mastery through a small quiz.